Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2-nd Emo Makeup Emergency!?

Okay, so this is my second ques lol I jus asked one!

but I forgot to mention I have bangs that I ALWAYS part to the side so two or three big chunks of my bangs are covering my left eye.

always. so I was wondering about the shading to keep my skin white around my eye since there is always a shadow and sometimes my face gets oiley! (YUCK!!! I CANT BELIVE I SAID THAT!) so anyway any help?2-nd Emo Makeup Emergency!?
Well you can always get make up remover, my eye liner never removes when trying to wash it. And to keep your hair ';emo'; for women... its not suppose to cover the eye, its suppose to be swifted backwards and dyed black and must be shorter then your shoulders.2-nd Emo Makeup Emergency!?
well, i have bangs like that and what works for me is bobby pinning my bangs (Kindof emo-ish) with two bobby pins crossed like x's. it's stylish. emo. and keeps away from oily gross bangs.

oh, and another way to help is make sure you wash your hair well.

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