Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ahhhh emo makeup?

okiee.. Im a preppy girl i admit. but i have changed. not for anyone, but i just have through out this year. in my grade we have no emo kids. But my friend and i r going emo lol i even got my haircut. its kick ***. It has has bangs now. and it barly touches my sholders. kick ***. and. i was wondering how i should do my makeup because we usually wear... DARKKK lots, of eyeliner, eyeshadow, anycolor really, mascara LOTS. and some blush thats about it. now wut can we wear makeup for emo style?Ahhhh emo makeup?
Tools- Good Quality Eye liner, Black eyeshadow, black thick mascara

How to- first of all, get your eyeliner, and your choice, apply either on the rim of your eye, or below your lashes. If you decide under the lashes, grab a cu-tip and smudge down. You can try both if you want.

For the top lid- make sure your eyeliner is somewhat sharp. start from the iner edge of your eye, and work yout way across, making it slightly bigger. Smudge with a cu-tip if wanted.

Eyelashes- Top and bottom, apply twice.

Eyeshadow- needed to give more depth. Get a little on a cu-tip, and start to go along with your eyeliner on the top. Smudge. Then for the bottom, only a little, start smudging under the lashes.

Extra- you can get some glossy lipgloss, pink or sheer, and just apply to your lips.

Hope that helped!Ahhhh emo makeup?
Ok first off for you who dislike emos and left her some dumb a** comment,screw you. Ok second the real meaning of emo is not the music, is not the makeup, or the clothes its the fact you, yourself are an emotional person. You want styling tips? First off dont try to copy everybody who is emo because then you are truly a poser and you will get the sh** beat out of you. DO NOT EVER CALL YOURSELF EMO UNTIL OTHER PEOPLE DO!! That will also get you beat up. Emo is what you feel. So wear what you think is cool. Need help still?

Clothes to wear: Whatever you want wear your favorite band shirt and jeans work well or a short skirt with leg warmers. Bright outstanding colors, flourescent in otherwords. NO FISHNETS!! GROSS!! Also arm warmers. Never wear leg and arm warmers together.

Make-Up: God I love make-up. Black is cool. I use onyx. Other bright color eyeliners are awesome too. Apply it to your lower waterline and use liquid on top add just a small bit to under your lashline and take a q-tip and push it up into your lashes. Eyeshadow greys, blacks, blues, purples, greens, reds, get it? Oh and take a small eyeshadow applicator and swipe(preferably the color eyeshadow you used on your top)under your bottom lashes. Use q-tip to even it out and fix any mistakes. Apply black, blue, purple, red,..ect of lengthening or maximizing(or both only use one color though or youll look stupid if you use both but if you could only find one colored one get black in the other and use black first) mascara in two coats. Most emo's dont run their liner(if you know what I mean think Marilyn manson) but everyone has their own style. Nor do we all wear black lipstick thats more goth. Like I said though, some do, everyone has their own style.

Hair:Long femme, short messy, layered, black, blonde, unnatural color, your natural color(I prefer mine). Any style you like.
The emo people at my school just wear a soft black line under their eyes and eyeshadow that is just a tiny bit darker than their actual skin color. Not much, really. Oh yea, and eyelash curler. Curl your top and bottom lashes a little, than apply brown mascara and then clear mascara on top of the brown. And no, I'm not emo. I've just watch them do this little routine so many times at school, after P. E., in the restroom, etc.. Reapply, reapply, reapply. That's key.
my bff said u need to wear eyeliner under ur eyelid bcuz my bff is emo wear red black blue and dark green eye shadow no eye brow make up no lip liner unless its black no lip gloss black and only black mascara pale faces and dark hair


dark clothing dark shoes and shirts that have sad things on them and lots of gel bracelets
its kinda sounds like your trying to hard to become ';emo.'; if you were actually ';emo'; then you would know what kind of makeup to wear.
emo style?! are you kidding me?!

people make fun of emo kids so much. what a joke i have to say. go cry in a corner lmao!!!
Stop being fake.

be yourself, good luck!
My sister is emo and she always wears shimmery charcoal eyeshadow with light blue mascara it looks sooooo pretty and she wears a brigh pink sparkly blush here and there. You can get all these things from Sephora. Have fun, and I hope this helps!
Hmm, its your make-up and your look so just wear whatever. You dont have to look good for anyone. Turn Emo into you're own thing. But I would say, yes black eyeliner, find some eyeshadow sets that have three colors (grey, white, and black). Dont wear all black, two tone the black if you want to wear it with a grey and charcoal. Thats basically all you have to do is wear make-up like that. Turn Emo into your own thing, you dont have to go all out like the ones that are depressed and all into like death and stuff. I know some.
Um, a person can't be ';emo';. ';Emo'; is short for emotional...

For more than a decade, the term emo was used almost exclusively to describe the genre of music that spawned from the 1980s DC scene and the bands inspired by it; however, during the late 1990s, as emo music began to emerge into popular consciousness, the term began to be used as a broader reference than its prior music denotation.

The origin of the word emo itself is unclear. In a 1985 interview by Rites of Spring in Flipside, members of the band noted that some of their fans in DC were starting to call them ';emo,'; arguably because of the state of emotion that the band displayed during their shows. In later years, the word emo was viewed as a contraction of ';emotional hardcore'; or ';emocore,'; which was the popular designation of the music genre.

A younger contingent argues that emo is a contraction for ';emotive hardcore;'; however, no primary source demonstrates the use of that term prior to the mid-1990s. Meanwhile, numerous sources cite the use of ';emotional hardcore,'; dating back to the mid-to-late 1980s.

In recent years, as its use has come to define more than just the music, the word emo has often been viewed as short for ';emotional';.

So, even if one is trying to be ';emo';, I'm not sure how to categorize one as such.

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