Saturday, December 26, 2009

Help with emo makeup!!?

k, ive been trying to do emo eye makeup for a long time. ive looked up how to's and watched the youtube videos, and it still turns out really bad. i have naturally dark eyes, so when i put on eyeliner it makes my eyes look smaller.. which looks ugly. does anyone have any tips for me to try? thankxHelp with emo makeup!!?
put deep eyeliner on ure eyes... make them THICK..

and put bold eyeliner in the bottom =)Help with emo makeup!!?
yeah, i have the same problem!!

if you want your eyes to still stick out then don't bring your eyeliner all the way in. start from the middle of your eye and go out, it makes them pop more. then you can do whatever else you want with them.

getting a better mascara might help too, or using a pencil liner over a liquid.

you also might want to try a different color than black, there are a crap load of colors you can get!
i have to options you can try.

1. try a brown shadow and liner. this could make your eyes look bigger but it still will look dark enough that it can be ';emo';

2. you could curl your eyelashes with one of the metal eyelash curlers and apply 2 coats of mascara to the top lashes and a coat to the bottom. this always makes my eyes bigger.

just experiement, i'm sure youll get it right one day.

hope i helped. (:
you could either get colored contacs or go to and go to sarahxweave's chanel and it will tell u how to do good emo make up and it looks really good!!!=]
It has different results for almost everyone. Some people it makes

their eyes look bigger, some smaller. There's really no other way around it. Maybe just not put as much I guess...
NO EMO EYELINER. its good advice. take it
Find a better makeup trend than emo... please.
Just put eyeliner all over your face! There. Your emo. Emo? I HATE emo/scene people. Why try being like them. ugh. WANNABEEEEEEEE

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