Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What kind of makeup do emo GIRLS wear?

hey guys it's gigi here!i've wanted to be emo for quite sometime now and i know what kind of clothes to wear but now i wanna know about the makeup?please help!!!!!and if you make fun of me i'm gonna report abuse i mean it!oh and i'm only 13 so make it kind of appropriate for me to wear to school!!!!!!!!!!!!thank youWhat kind of makeup do emo GIRLS wear?
emo is not a style its a way of life/ music. You can dress goth with black eyeliner and a dark smokey eye. OR you can also dress scene with dramatic makeup like a blue smokey eye and navy eyeliner. Both similar style to emo, but you don't want to dress emo unless you areWhat kind of makeup do emo GIRLS wear?
Scene does not equal emo.

But both are bad and looked down upon.

If you want to actually make friends, I'd suggest going with being yourself, not trying to be a certain fashion style.

It's a lot better and you actually feel wonderful for trying to find out who you are instead of what people expect you to be.

Trust me, when I was 11, I was 'emo' and I had maybe one or two friends.

Today, I'm myself and I have loads of friends and I'm content with who I am.

Also, those two scenes generally lead to drugs. And if you say that won't happen to you- you're probably wrong. Especially if you're going for a scene look. Scene generally leads to coke, alcohol, weed, xtc. Emos usually just go for the downers such as pain killers, alcohol, weed, blahblahblah. And besides, it also puts on the pressure for you to smoke cigarettes, and having been a smoker since I was twelve(which is now four years later), it's not fun. You start coughing up tar, get diseases such as pneumonia quite a bit, cough up phloem(which is usually brown!).
They actually use photoshop or editing softwares to really make their makeup look good. :)






And maybe some white setting powder, or baby powder to make them look more pale


Black Eyeliner

Black Eyeshadow

Fake Eyelashes



and Clear Lipgloss


Red Lipstick/Lipgloss

But, scene makeup isn't appropriate for all. You shouldn't be 'emo' cause you think it looks 'cool'. Anyways, have fun with your life. ^_^

Hope I helped.
Good for you.. I hate when people put horrible comments. Like ^ ^ ^ ^

Anyway, emo make-up.. Main thing your aiming for is statement eyes. I doubt you'll get away with it in school so stick to a thin line of eyeliner on your outer top lid and a little on the inner lower lid.

But for outside, think thick upper outer eyeliner with a flick if it suits you. A little dark eyeshadow (black, purple, or even pink/blue against black eyeliner looks good) but not alot of eyeshadow like goths. Think less is more cos it's bold statement make-up.

I hope you like it :))))
you want to look emo, not be emo.

black/white/grey eyeliner or sometimes pink.

well actually thats about it, try painting your nails too.

hoodies/jackets, jeans, jean skirts, stockings (pink+white usually)

those pull on cloth gloves that go to your elbows (not sure what they are called)

pantyhose (usually darker), mess up your hair a bit.

thats about all i can think about.
In a similar style to goth, but toned down a bit. A touch of pale makeup and eyeliner/mascara. Maybe draw designs on your face also such as a broken heart, a butterfly or maybe Egyptian cat eyes.

Black eyeliner (top and bottom liquid for the top)

black eyeshadow

pale skin



Band Tees

Skinny Jeans

Studded Belts



Just Try To Tease It

Their Is Many Videos On Youtube
You can't be emo unless you actually are emo!

Emo is not a style, but a way of life and it's not pretty.

You can be scene... just where dark colors....

Just please don't call it emo...
wel rly its called scene style sweety :) im 13 as well. but just do some dark eyeliner. all very dark.. look up scene girls on google.

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