Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What are some ausome ways to wear emo/punk/goth makeup at a school with uniform?

hey could any one tell me how i could wear my make up in an ausome emoo/punk/goth way but without being sent home to take it off by teachers pics and all write anything you can think of even like ways to wear my uniform and stuff loves yaWhat are some ausome ways to wear emo/punk/goth makeup at a school with uniform?
Dark or bright neon eyeliner applied thinly. Liquid eyeliner is shveet. I have bright pink and its amazin' *ghetto*. Thicker on top or bottom depending on your preference eyeliner. Bold lipstick. Pale foundation. All I can think of, sorry =[

Nail polish in black, dark red, neon colors, bright colors.What are some ausome ways to wear emo/punk/goth makeup at a school with uniform?
OK, first off emo kids suck, second goths are a bit like an emo kid and a punk mixed, I'm a punk myself. I don't know what you uniforms are like but if you have to wear a tie can you choose your tie? If you can find some cool ties and mix it up. Next is your hair, I assume there are some things they don't allow but look into loop holes and ways around the dress code, do something with your hair that is both cool and within the rules. jewelry and that stuff, don't over do it, be selective with it and again, mix it up. foot wear (shoes and boots) there are a lot of different things you can do here, big boots with straps and fun stuff is cool. Now to the actual question; makeup, eyeliner used properly is good, again don't over do it and don't start drawing shat on your face with it. finger nail polish if your into it. Have fun with it and remember be as offensive as possible without getting in trouble.
Do a nice liquid eye liner at the top of your eye, but not too thick or you will get sent home. Then just do the same to the bottom but again thin. And lastly you can add a bit of purple, pink, blue Any clour eye liner to make it stand out.. :)
tatto your eyes black, all the cool kids are doing it.
i'm study in pastna

st m.g. high school patna

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