Saturday, December 26, 2009

Emo makeup for halloween costume?

pics please

im temporarily dying hair black and clipping in bright hair accessories for my hairEmo makeup for halloween costume?
Youtube has some pretty awesome tutorials. Here's one:鈥?/a>

If you're looking for more, head over and search for ';emo makeup';. There are tons!Emo makeup for halloween costume?
go to google, and goole images it.

or, do your eyliner in the dark.

when i do it it looks awesome

weird how alot of white emo kids look the same, makes me not want to be one, but i dont look like them, so im awesomely different

AND u can find good dye at your local Hot Topis, or order form thier website,

i love that freakin store!
its pretty much just alot of thick black eyeliner and bright coloured (pink usually) eyeshadow

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