Saturday, December 26, 2009

Emo Makeup?

Hey guise!

I'm trying to apply my eyeliner, (a thin line) but it's really hard. Can you give my some advice? some videos or sites? i'm not trying to make it look exatly emo, but i want a teenagery/rockish look, thank you!!!!!!! (by the way, i'm a girl)Emo Makeup?
Ewww no, dont do the Amy Winehouse makeup!!!! Like that one guy suggested. Ewww. Ok anyways you should just apply it on the slippery line of your eye. When i was ';rockerish';, I would wear black eyeliner and eyeshadow ALL the time with red eyeshadow also. I would apply the red all over the lid, and then would use a brush to put on the black eyeshadow on the crease of my eye, so the red would only show on the corners/sides of my eye. If that makes ANY sense. i think you should do that!Emo Makeup?
make it thicker and do a cat-eye. like that one chick who sings about rehab.
Well rocker makeup isn't exactly ';Thin Line, '; its more of a thick chunky line.
MAC makeup has a cool eyeliner gell type thing that you apply with a bush , its a small thin brush and i think its easy to use,and stays on a good long time.

Also if your looks for bright makeup MAC has good bright colors but there expensive, i found good bright colors at SALLYS.

like green,blue,purple,black they show up very well and vibrant.

and to get pale lips or light lips , you can use birts bees - LIFEGAURD and it makes your lips a light color.

black eyeliner, bright eye shadow, and light lip...EMO.
  • blush eyeshadow
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