Saturday, December 26, 2009

I need some emo makeup advice!?

Okay i need some help on doing my makeup I cant where alot to school but I still wanna look GOREGEOUS so help me with tips and ways pictures are awesome to thx!I need some emo makeup advice!?
lmaoooooooooI need some emo makeup advice!?
I don't care for make up because I like to look like me

I blve the natural look is gorgeous on everyone. Get a powder makeup, not liquid...I use sheer pressed powder by Clinique, it does wonders for me. It evens my skin tone and it doesn't look like I have on makeup.

Don't wear lipstick, wear lip gloss. Clear or something with some tint.

As far as the eyes, Little bit of mascara and that's it.

Looking gorgeous to me is about having clear skin, healthy looking skin, nice hair. Don't forget to smile.
black eyeliners will always work.
Black eyeliner %26amp; mascara. =]
black eyeliner

black eye shadow

black lipstick

black mascara

just use black ?
for emo look flick you eyeliner out鈥?/a>

like that but wear eyeliner on the top and bottom as well

and for school just do a little flick that isnt a block of black flick it is a line of black!鈥?/a>

for your lips leave them normal or cover them with foundation/concealer to make them kinda white and into your face
for emo just look as pale as possible with a lot of black eyeliner.鈥?/a>
Oh well, I usually go for the dark eyeliner round eye thing.

Like so:鈥?/a>

Or I do it like this: %26lt;THis one isn't me this is my friend Jazz%26gt;鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

For the ultimate goth eye though is this crazy hott wierd funky designs that no one will ever think of and you'll always get second glances:鈥?/a>

And for the lips usually you want to do a blood red
i think this is goregeous.

it may be a little much though.鈥?/a>
eyeliner , mascara, %26amp; black eyeshadow . [:
black eyelinerrr. the cat eye look is really hot right now, so just line your eyes like usual, then at the sides of your eyes, extend the line on each lid and connect them, then just fill in the space. pretty simple. i'm guessing youre my age, so just put on some tinted lipgloss for a little shine and color on your lips. clean up your eyebrows if needed and then just dab some concealer here and there where its needed. good luck :]]

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