Wednesday, December 30, 2009

EMO MaKEUP! Please, who don't mind a lot-write. Thanks. ;]?

So hi ^.^

Here are my pics.

I would be pleased if u could give me some advice about emo makeup and hair. I dunno. It would be perfect if it wouldn't be very bright. Thank you.

Heh btw I'm 13 years old. Near 14. ;%26gt;EMO MaKEUP! Please, who don't mind a lot-write. Thanks. ;]?
Black hair short and kind of spiky like your avatar, eyes outlined in black eyeliner. LOADS of mascara, pale lips. and just add your own twists on that. It's my basic make up along with foundation. Clothes you propably have pegged skinny jeans, vintage tshirts, and the essensial converse or vans! Hope i helped!EMO MaKEUP! Please, who don't mind a lot-write. Thanks. ;]?
The link doesn't work :)
Is it just my computer, or does the link not work ?
Well black short side swept eyeliner and stuff and maybe some dark eyeshadow....dont pick anything that is really colorful like pink or blue or something like that. Most emo people ive seen just have like the black hair or dark makeup around the eyes and no lipstick and stuff. Good luck :)

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