Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What do we call an emu with emo makeup?

My Chemical Romance+Australian Emu=??What do we call an emu with emo makeup?
My Chemical EmuWhat do we call an emu with emo makeup?
My Chemical Romance+Australian Emu=RETARD.

be it..yippieretard.mcretard.gindyretard. kemaretard.yayaretard. or ghthemostretard
low IQ gindy
Emu the Emo
what is wrong with you!
An emomu.
emo emu
LemBu hihi
emoutionally beautifool
Danny De Vito..........
an emo emu who headbangs to MCR.
gothic emu gday mike
ask yaya, she expert in this matter

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