Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My mom freaks out about my makeup saying it's way to slutty, sexy, and emo what should i do?

Yeah and when I ask anyone else ( i mean ANYONE else) they say they could bareley tell i'm wearing any. Also I am a scene so this makes it hard for me to express myself. What should I do? Just ignore my mom? Or listen to her and not wear any makeup. My mom freaks out about my makeup saying it's way to slutty, sexy, and emo what should i do?
Adjust it a little to suit her and yourself. Give a little and both of you can be happy. Use a lighter hand when applying it and she will be fine.My mom freaks out about my makeup saying it's way to slutty, sexy, and emo what should i do?
You need to pick your battles. Is wearing makeup that important that you're willing to fight, cause anxiety, loose trust, and hurt the relationship between you and your mother? I don't think so.

If it is something truely unfair that hurts you, than yes you shouldn't ';listen to your parents';, but this is so trivial. Stay peaceful and listen to your mother in this case.
hii x

well ask your mum do you wear make-up ?

then go out and buy of your own eyeliner and then go back home,

when you go out with your friends put some on and if she says to you take it off or else do the make-up trick which you just get your make up wipe and then just drag it down but with this idea it doesnt take anymore off

then just say its not coming off ...

then you should wear it more often and then she wil accept it eventuallly


good luck :D

byye x


first off when youre scene, you dont care what others think. You are you. If your mom thinks your makeup is bad you should see mine. I do rainbows, polka dots, stripes, checkers, and swirls--- all with neon colored eye shadow. I dont give a damn what people say about it, i liike it so thats all that matters.
ignore your mom. Parents can be soo annoying.

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