Saturday, December 26, 2009

Best scene/emo makeup?

for asian girls

no rude comments pleaseBest scene/emo makeup?
Eyeliner is very important for Scene Emo make up, it helps to define your eyes and create the look you're after: soft everyday or evening vampy look. There are two types of eyeliner: liquid or pencil. Liquid eyeliners are ideal for creating thin perfect lines along your lashes, and require steady hand. Pencil eyeliners are more forgiving, great for beginners, and are really good for smudgy thicker lines. Choose the one you feel more comfortable with, if you prefer liquid eyeliners, pick waterproof one so it won't run during a day. If you opt for pencil liner, get soft one, so you can apply it (and re-apply during a day) easily. Miss Sporty makes great soft pencil eyeliners.

Few tips how to apply eyeliner:

Rest your elbow on a hard surface, and rest your wrist on your face.

Tilt your head back slightly and bring your eyes to a half-open state. This creates good angle for application, while allowing you to see what you're doing.

Pull your upper eyelid gently with your finger to the side and slightly up. This stepis optional, as many people prefer applying eyeliner on relaxed eye. To prevent the eyelid from shaking if you do not pull it, focus gently but intently on your eyes in the mirror. If you are applying eyeliner to someone else's eyes, ask them to choose one spot on the wall to look at.

Draw a line along the upper lid on the lash line. Start on the inside corner of your eye and make a thin line going to the outside of your eye. This creates the desired illusion of having thicker lashes.

If you're using liquid liner, allow it to dry before opening your eyes all the way, or the color may transfer into the crease of your eye.

Line the lower lids. Trace the outside of your eye (close to the lower lashes). NEVER put eyeliner on the inner rims because it gives you earlier, more dramatic wrinkles and can give you an eye infection especially if you use un-quality brands. Moving from the outside edge inward, draw a line lightly, but don't go for perfection, you can go back over the faint line and darken after the stroke. Your line should be slightly thicker at the outside corner, becoming thinner as it moves in toward your nose. Follow the shape of your eye! It looks more natural.

Connect the lines from upper and lower eyelid in the outer corner of your eye by creating little wings. Now if you're feeling bold, make the line on your upper eyelid slightly thicker - if you make any mistake, you can correct it with cotton bud and bit of cleansing milk on it.

hope this helps :)Best scene/emo makeup?

noooo more emooo


for the love of god become original

if you have to go onto a website to ask how to look emo with the purpose of trying to look original......just dont.

this isnt supposed to be rude. i have experience in being emo and i am truely embarrased of how desperate i looked. i am trying to spare you on that.

become yourself, become original. then nobody can resist you.
not to be rude but please dont compare the 2! k im a Scene gurl. what i do is lite luquid foundation

then black eye liner on the bottem lid

and maskaria on both.

next is hair,

straighten you hair uber flat.

grab the end and under comb it then hair spray it. do this to all your hair use about a 1 1/2 in part of hair when doing this. if you want more help and dont wanna get called a poser email me for tip's im glad 2 welcom ppl to the core!
Go 2, they have great tips for anyone trying 2 be something they are not!
4502348590345834534 lbs of eyeliner.

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