Tuesday, December 15, 2009

BEAUTY TIPS!!!home remedies gives you natural beauty;P?

so i have heard of homemade exfoliating scrub, i used lemon mixed with sugar, and it worked great, my face feels soft. But, it seems the same to me?so does anybody know any other homemade scrub, maybe like oatmeal and sugar together?would that work?thankx:)

some tips i tried:

*use vaseline lip therapy(99 cents at walmart!), put it on then rub your lips lightly with a toothbrush,LIGHTLY, do it every night or every other night. Also leave vaseline overnight and you'll wake up with moisturized lips

*for those of you that's planning to put eggs on your hair(the whole egg), DONT DO IT. maybe the egg yolk would work but i didn't try it yet;).

*for soft and lighter skin, mix egg white with lemon, (i put the same amount), then mix with a fork until it gets bubbly or until the egg white is completely mixed with the lemon. Apply on face. Then wash after 10-15 minutes, or more if you want. Wash out with cold water to close the pores. do this 2-3 times a week, don't do it 2 much cause if you do, it will have less effect each time.

*don't wash your hair every single day, it will take out vitamins or important oils from your hair. At least shower every other day, you could do it 2 times a week but i do it every other day.

*hair products:Silk Drops Hair Serum, and Tresemme Heat Tamer or V05 Heat Protection (both for heat protection, V05 is cheaper, but i use tresemme now), Suave or Tresemme Hairspray.

alright, good luck and please answer thee question:)BEAUTY TIPS!!!home remedies gives you natural beauty;P?

its a great site for home remedies

there are many different things for hair and skin and many other stuffBEAUTY TIPS!!!home remedies gives you natural beauty;P?
I like this site for making body and face stuff, I would say about half of the things can be made with stuff you have in your kitchen:

This may sound odd but....


That's right, I said Kitty litter.

Unscented kitty litter is made out of clay, Bentonite clay actually. Bentonite clay is extremely rich in minerals and comes from volcanic ash. After a volcano errupts, the ash settles and becomes clay! This clay is hydrofilling, which means that it's highly absorbant. Which means its like a magnet to the dirt and oil on your face! The clay is like a sponge and pulls away the dirt and oils from your face! Bentonite is mainly used in expensive facial creams for oily skin. This means that the expensive facial creams, are basically inexpensive versions of unscented kitty litter. How do you use it? This is how:

1. Start with a fresh clean face! No makeup of moisturizers! Have unscented kitty litter ready, because scented kitty litter contains harsh chemicals to you skin! And never reuse the same kitty litter!

2. Scoop 2 Tablespoons of clay into a bowl.

3. Add water, enough to make the clay appear muddy and watery! The clay absorbs the water! it can hold 10x it's own weight!

4. You can add oils or other ingredients to the clay, like aloe vera!

5. Mis it up well, until the consistency is fine. It should look a little watery or muddy.

6. Put it in the microwave for 20 seconds. But if your microwave is extremely strong, try 10 seconds, You just want the mask to be warm, not hot. You want it warm so it dialates your pores. The clay should look flat and muddy, but the water should be underneath it.

7. Put the cclay water on your face, do not put the rocks on, the rocks can damage your face skin. Avoid the eye area! Use thin coats darling!

Apply evenly!

8. Wait till the clay is dry. It should begin to dry at 3 minutes, but will take a maximum of 15 minutes to dry completely. You shoudl feel you skin tightening! When the clay is dry, you should feel a tiny tingle!

9. Use warm water, and gently rinse off! :D Towel dry, and use moisturizers!

I hope this works for you as it has worked for me! :D

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