Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Beauty tips?.....I want my natural curls to look more real? and my eyes to have its natural touch?

Lately, I've been so into my hair and eyes. Does anybody know how or what to do so my hair and eyes would be more noticeable? Ok, so I am a natural brunette, my hair is wavy more to the curly side. I want to know if there's any liquid or whatever thing I can use so my hair can stay pretty and curly? Usually when I try to do that it always turns out looking like a bad hair day. What can I use or do so my hair would look more curly/wavy than bad??

ALso, I want to know what can I do so the shape of my eyes stand out more?Beauty tips?.....I want my natural curls to look more real? and my eyes to have its natural touch?
For your curls, use Tresame. You can find it anywere. It gives them more of a natural look.

As for your eyes, use a nice plain black eyeliner. It makes eyes stand out.Beauty tips?.....I want my natural curls to look more real? and my eyes to have its natural touch?
Eyes: highlight the brow and darke the crease.

Hair: I use Treseme and sometimes Aussie. But I have a friend who switches hair products like every month because her curls stop reacting. Get a shampoo and conditioner designed to curly/dry hair

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