Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Give me some how-to's on emo makeup that looks good on me?

my pics:

1st one is me at school, usually with only powder:


2nd one is me right now, just woke up:


and the 1st pic i took a week ago so my bang has changed from blue to pink now...

so yea, give me some how-to's on emo makeup, people at school I would look amazing with emo makeup and many people say I already have emo style. so i want to try the makeup now.Give me some how-to's on emo makeup that looks good on me?
do crazy colored liquid eyeliner. Prestige is the best kind. line the top of ur lashes. or even just the bottom looks cool. also anotehr idea if you arent quite ready for liquid and cheeper is go to hot topic they also have crazy colored PENCIL liners. ones with sparkles and stuff. emo makeup is also about doing your own thing. you dont even need to put it on the traditional way. ive seen people draw crazy lines off there eyes and do whatever.Give me some how-to's on emo makeup that looks good on me?
curly hair+emo=disaster.straighten your hair then we'll talk.

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