Thursday, December 17, 2009

How do you apply emo makeup?

I need visuals! Lots and lots of picture instructions! I don't understand written things. Heres the instructions I need:

-Eye liner (pencil AND liquid)


-Eye shadow

-Nail polish


-Lip stick

-Etcetera!! (am I forgetting anything??)

Please, I just spent $50 and I have no idea on how to put it on. I don't want to waste any.

I've always dressed emo but I never wore the makeup. I'm ready now :]How do you apply emo makeup?
Not that I wear this look, but here's how I would do it:

1. Wash you face.

2. Using a make up sponge or your fingers, dab on the foundation on your forehead and cheeks and spread it all over, blending it into your neck.

3. Apply a very small dab of the concealer under each eye, blend in, but don't rub, just sort of dab it with your finger or a concealer brush. Same for any acne.

4. Using a powder brush, dip it into the poweder, tap off the excess and then lightly apply it to your forehead, nose, cheeks, etc. If you got too much, lightly wipe with a tissue.

5. If you just have one shade of eyeshadow, apply it with either your finger or a nice eye shadow brush. Don't use the one that came with it. Close one eye, apply it from the inner corner to the outer corner, blending it towards your brow bone. It you have another darker shade apply that to your crease. Repeat for the other eye.

6. I hope you have mascara. Curl your eyelashes with a curler if you have one, and then apply mascara in back and forth motions to your top lashes, and then turn the brush vertical and lightly brush your bottom lashes.

7. When I want a dark, dramatic effect with my eyeliner, I apply a pencil line to the bottom right between my eyeball and my lower lashes, on that crease. For the top I use MAC liner pots with a MAC eye liner brush. I start from my inner corner and follow the line of my top lashes. This may take some practice.

8. What lipstick did you get? If it's dark, like black or purple, then eww. If it's a red shade or even better, a nude shade, just put some chap stick on first and then use your finger to smudge it on your lips. For a stained look, take some off with a tissue. I just wear lip gloss though. The more emo thing would seem to be just some chap stick.

9. Apply nail polish, wait for it to dry, and then apply a clear top coat so it doesn't chip so much.How do you apply emo makeup?
try this[:

its the best vid to help you yyet. [:

hope i helped!%26lt;3 Report Abuse

Seems to me like most people on here are a**holes.

Moving on...what I think you should do is put on powder and foundation first, then put on the liquid eyeliner (it's more difficult to put on then the pencil stuff but it gives you a more dramatic look) then put on your black mascara and if you want to you can put some charcol eyeshadow on but I think it looks better with just the liner and mascara, otherwise you begin to look like your trying to hard.

For your lip color, I suggest you only use ChapStick..unless you want to get a dramatic color, then I suggest a crimson color.

Red or black nailpolish is always good too :)

Hope this was what you needed!
Lots and lots of eyeliner, just a little powder/foundation, lots of eyeshadow, concealer like normal, lots of lipstick, and nothing else. It's just like normal makeup, just a darker color.
here's a wordy one, but helpful:
mm don't listen to those other people, cause you are the only one who knows who you are. the link below has some amazing eye techniques, about the rest nail polish, usually black or red, kind of light face, not to much of the lipstick though.
emo, isnt the best life style you not emo and i wear emo make up. go for the dark and smokey look around the eyes. and the rest of your face including your lips, should be pale. dont use blush. and different colors around the eyes are cool.
ok, wellllll

apply light foundation where you need it. (under eyes, nose, zits w.e) cover with powder.

thenn, take the pencil eye liner and go back and forth swishing eyeliner ont he top and boottom lash lines rather thickly. about 2 centimeters on the top, and 4 or fivew on the bottom.

might want to look something liek this :鈥?/a> but muuuch thicker.

to smooth it out, try going over that with the liquid. this may take some practice, but steady your elbow go gently in smooth, looong strokes, not thin little ones. it needs to be exta smooth. if it is not, take a q-tip, dip it in a little mouisturizer and swipe away any excess.

noww,,, take a verrrrrrryyyyy bold shadow, like hot pink, electric blue, lime green.鈥?/a>

i would use the 'passionate' jewel blue''orange''going bananas' or the 'chrystal avalanche' for some sugestions.

allright then, well take a bit on your finger, and swipe it under the bottom liner, make sure it is very IN YOUR FACE, so fo mannnnny layers. make it go about an inch down.

top with clear gloss, and VIOLA!!! totally goth.
You sound like a poseur. Emos don't ask other people how to do things, they do things how they want to because their unique.
you are stupid to be wanting to know how apply emo makeup it is the stupidest thing to be emo
Before I write anything else, here is my disclaimer: I THINK PEOPLE WHO CONSIDER THEMSELVES ';EMO'; ARE JUST OUT FOR ATTENTION!

Ahem. Just my opinion. Anyway, gothic makeup and ';emo'; makeup are basically the same thing. Hot Topic is a great place for highly-pigmented makeup. Paper-white face (if you're naturally pale, you're set. if not, put on lots of foundation and powder), dark lips (I'm assuming you know how to apply lipstick) and heavy black eyeliner (but with ';emo,'; make sure it is a soft eyeliner so when you cry it runs down your face, creating the 'pity me' look). Oh, and is your (dyed) hair in your face? I've been told that's an ';emo'; staple. As for the last thing you asked about, I believe you forgot your razorblades.

Honestly, should have known you'd get backlash for this.
r u emo??
Haha, what the hell? Go cut yourself or something. Actually, if you already do that then go to a psychologist.
cry while your doing your make up
ewmygod. just look at those dumb boy bands who supposedly cut themselves, there ya go.

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