Thursday, December 17, 2009

How do you do emo makeup? I'm horrible at putting it on....?

ask one of your emo friendsHow do you do emo makeup? I'm horrible at putting it on....?
start with a foundatona little lighter than your skin, apply in one thin even layer. use a light powder and dab everywhere. Then eyes, take a kohl pencil and draw a line on th top of your eyelid where you would put eyeshadow, leave a little curved tail at the side of your eye ( liek and egyptian!) then liquid eyeliner on the bottom inside of your eye, Thick mascara on top smoky mascara on bottom. clear lip balm.How do you do emo makeup? I'm horrible at putting it on....?
its easier if you suck you get that. . . .rockstar look lol

just do the foundation/powder stuff that make your face white. . . .ts not that hard try and get it even, some lip gloss and now the eyeliner. . .sigh ok so bottom lid first look up and rubb it back and forth till its thick and fairly even. . .you can just smudge it in if its screwed. . .or use liquid a little easier

and then the top lid is hard, you kina have to do it with one eye open, this one should be thicker and meet the other edge of the eyeline, do the other eye, slap on some eyeshadow and mascara and dam you good to go

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