Thursday, December 17, 2009

How do you do your makeup like an emo?

I looking for suggestions of how to do makeup like an emo would. I'm a big fan of the catwoman look - with the winged eyeliner - but I don't know how to do that. I've never worn makeup before. How do you do your makeup like an emo?
emo is a style of music, scene is a fashion

get it straight, dont be a poserHow do you do your makeup like an emo?
The cat-flicks [which is the ';winged eyeliner'; that you're talking about] isn't emo in the slightest.

The typical ';emo'; makeup [even though, it really isn't a look of it's own.. whatever] is just smudgy black eyeliner/shadow smeared sloppily around the eye.

The cat-flick is done easiest using powder or cream eyeliner and an angled eyeliner brush. I recommend getting the Loreal HIP cream eyeliner [about $12 at most drug stores, I believe] because it is a fantastic eyeliner and it comes with a brush. Apply to the brush then make a line starting at the inner corner of your eye [the corner by your nose] making sure to keep the line thin, make the line thicker as you go away from the inner corner. Once you hit the outside edge of your eye, pick up the brush from your skin and start again on the bottom lashline. Do the same effect and again stop at the edge of your eye and pick up the brush. Put the brush back down where you want the tip of the flick to be and connect the tip of the flick to the rest of the liner on your eye.

It's hard to describe.. I hope it made sense. And it takes a LOT of practice. Use a damp Q-Tip to clean up around the edges of the eyeliner if you make minor mistakes.
just to start don't dress like a SCENE not emo kid if ur not one you'll just look like a poser. but u could do heavy eye liner and eye shadow. and either a dark lip gloss or lip stick or u could do a really brite lip gloss or lip stick. i use a really dark black eye shadow and black eye liner and a dark deep red lip stick. DONT BE A POSER!!!!!!!!!!
I hang-out with all the EMO people

They normally use eyeliner and some foundation that is like a pale they also use black, gray, silver, or dark browns for eyeshadow and either a red lip or simply lip gloss but whatever you do never use black lipstick it is very tacky.
Just use eyeliner, and some mascara.

And some eyeshadow if you want to.

You get better at it the more you do it.

I use eyeliner pencil, not the liquidy stuff cause my hands shake a little and I always stabbed my eye with it, and it kinda hurts.

And I use rolling eyeliner, like the ones in the twisty things,( not the actual pencil ones like this;

cause it hurts my eyes sometimes.

Put the eyeliner from your inside of your eye to the outside on your lower eyelid, and then just continue it over a little bit.

And do it on your top eyelid too, to make it look better.

It does look really cool when you can do it really good, but it might take some practice.

ok take black eyeliner and line your bottom lid the FULL way. Then, line your top lid and connect it on both sides so that your left side and right side both form points. Finally, just draw a little line on the side of your eye towards your ear,just make sure its not too big. there you go :) enjoy your cat eyes

I never heard of Emo until know and looked it put, it a type of music, hard core punk rock. You can look at my site on how to do cat liner. If you never done before it takes a steady hand and practice, so my suggestion for you is to get it done at a counter.鈥?/a>


emo makeup ?

All you do is wear a lot of eyeshadow over and under your eyes. Dark colors work best. it works, my friend had eyeshadow like that to school once and all the boys started calling her emo!
here is a link鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

here is a video about that
just cut out a picture of a racoon and tape it on your face

look it up there

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