Thursday, December 17, 2009

How to do emo makeup if you parents won't let you?

hi. I'm 12, and I really like the ';emo/scene'; look. I gues I'm kind of like that, but I have one problem. I'm not allowed to wera makeup to school until I'm 14 - gay, I know - and when I wear eyeliner the way ';emos'; do, I have to wash it off. I got my black eyeliner taken away, and when I want ot wer eyeliner my mom has to do it for me, and she does it too light. Please help me! Thank - you!How to do emo makeup if you parents won't let you?
First, when you are with you friends, buy new eyeliner.

Second, Carry a purse.

Third, Put the eyeliner in the purse.

Fourth, when you get to school, go to the bathroom.

Fifth, when you go to the bathroom, put the eyeliner on.

Sixth, at the end of the day, take it off.

Ta da!How to do emo makeup if you parents won't let you?
well, look at it this way. i'm really glad that your mom isn't letting you - but wait! you're 12 years old. why do you need to wear makeup? your mom probably sees it as you growing up to fast.

in my opinion wearing make up too young is a shame. embrace your youth and beauty and wait until you're older and NEED make up. dont try to sneak, listen to your mom, she knows whats best for you.

try to express yourself through your clothing more! fashion is a great way to show your individuality! also, the way you do your hair says a lot about you too.

there are a ton of ways for you to emulate that ';emo/scene'; look without going outside of your mothers wishes.
just let your mom do it for you and she will think that your maturing then like in a week ask her if you could start doing your own makeup and if she says yes dont go overboard, just make it a bit darker. as time goes on you make it a bit thicker and darker until like in a month it will look emo-ish and your mom probably wont care anymore
my parents dont let me wear make up at all untill in 13! ill b 13 in 2 mounths but iv waited 4ever! this is what i do, i take it on da buss and put it on, i dont wear eyeliner very often tho, but its possible 2 do on da bus. j buy new eyeliner when ur parents arnt around, dats how i get all my make up.
if your not allowed to dont. your parents will get really mad when you keep trying to wear makeup wen they dont want you to. Put more accent on the clothes and hair to look emo if u want but lay of the makeup.. you might get the age on how old u can wear it pushed back just chill, until u can. THEN go 4 it. until then like i said consentrate on the hair and clothes and accesories :)
OK, so if your not allowed...then your not allowed. So, don't do it. Why dont you put makeup to its real use. Do something pretty and not too heavy. Even if you're into that kind of stuff. Find a color that makes your eyes ';pop'; and just go a different way with makeup(:
well i think it is up to u if u get your makeup back maybe try putting it on in the beginning of school and wash it off before u leave but it is wrong to deify ur parents so it up to u want u do hope i helped
Just stop wearing emo makeup.

Emo makeup isn't flattering on anyone (believe me). You are 12, it's not a big deal. So you really shouldn't be making such a big deal out of such a minute situation.
Why don't you put if REALLY dark but just on the side of your eyes.
Look!!! emo is gay and stupid. Only white people would put dat sh*t on der face.....F***ing white ppl

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