Tuesday, December 15, 2009

'Natural' Beauty ; Any tips?

Ok, so if your not actually naturally beautiful, there are ways that can help right?

I was thinking along the lines of lash tint, lash implants, just anything I can get done in a local beauty salon that would improve what I look like say.. when i wake up.

Is there anything I can buy or get done or anything like that?

Treatments, Semi Permanent options etc.

Any estimated prices would be much appreciated.

10 points Best Answer; Thanks guys :)'Natural' Beauty ; Any tips?
Lash extensions are around 75$, atleast where I live and they can last a week to a month, depending on how they are maintained. You can get your lashes tinted. If you are just looking for a quick fix for morning after reasons, like, you dont want him to wake up next to someone you werent the night before, I wouldnt worry about it. If anything, keep some super water proof mascara around and wear it to bed.'Natural' Beauty ; Any tips?
The whole point in being naturally beautiful is to be NATURALLY beautiful. That means not doing anything like that and still looking good.
Olive Oil is the best remedy for all skin relation issues including complexion enhancement, wrinkles and beauty itself. Just make it ur life !
stay clean moitureize ...

get a new hair cut?

stay happy

take fish oil shots or pills

get false eye lashes ( a lot of asians do)

please dont get implants unless you reaallyy need it, have the money, not scared of the pain, and know a realy good surgen %26gt;%26lt;'

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