Thursday, December 17, 2009

Where can i find guides on how to apply scene/emo makeup?

Links plzWhere can i find guides on how to apply scene/emo makeup?
Okay, firstly, scene and emo make-up are two completely different styles. You don't need a guide though, it's not that difficult.

1. Emo makeup: You'll need a black eyeliner, black eyeshadow, black mascara and a good transluscent face powder (preferably slightly lighter than your own skin tone). Thick, black, smudgy lined eyes and a matte, slightly paled face do the trick. You need to stay clear of colour and shine.

2. Scene mame-up: This is much more colourful. Stock up on some bright, poppy eyeshadows like electric blue/pink etc. and you can experiment with bright blushes and even a bright orange/red lip (JUST NOT ALL AT ONCE!) You can apply a few colours of eyeshadow as long as they are harmonious (e.g. green/blue) but keep it chic and modern.Where can i find guides on how to apply scene/emo makeup?

if u didnt know.

scene and emo

are liek

COMPLETELY different.

like whoaaa different.

and if u didnt even kno that there different

dont turn yourself into a poser.

be yourself and dont do it if u dont know how to. u will just look like an emo wannabe! and people will make fun of u so just make sure its wat u really wana do!
its people like you that give the alternative scene a bad name. you make your style the way you like it, not because every one is doing it. you might as well try hot topics website haha

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