Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why do emo people wear makeup?

I think its kind of weird for a guy to wear makeup.Why do emo people wear makeup?
I agree. I think in psychology, it is interpreted as a way to mask themselves from the world.

so I think by wearing makeup, they can sort of create their own identity. and it's something in their lives that they can control.Why do emo people wear makeup?
Emo is a freakin' disease, i swear to jesus christ!!! It's an epidemic that is ******* up my generation....that being said, very (VERY) few boys can pull it off %26amp; look sexy (that excludes pretty much the whole male counterpart of the emo population)
It is wierd. Like i guess it makes them feel different from the world. Emo is short for Emotion.Emotional. I guess they are expressing theyre feelings and emotions through makeup. Maybe theyre favorite music artist wears makeup?
Emo is not a style. Gahh, I get so sick of hearing that.

But if you must join in that cliche, it's just their style. It's the way they like to dress.
Who cares ?

Many movie stars wear make up when they are on camera and they are men.

Usually when they are getting interviewed.

So it isn't uncommon for guys to be wearing make up.
Okay.. Get it straight. Emo means emotional. Aren't we all emotional??? If a guy wants to wear make-up.. Let him. His choice.
Probably because it enhances the kind of look that they want to achieve and makes it more authentic looking.
Because most of them look hot! And calling them emo makes you seem sterotypical. Screw you! They are their own person and then what does that make you? are you your own person?
It expresses how they feel inside. Hence, that's why it's called ';emo'; which is short for emotional.
ah-greed. its gross. why are they emo in the first place? its so gross.
Why do PEOPLE in general wear makeup? :P Anyone can wear makeup it's their own choice.
Because they feel like it
idk it's kinda freaky though.
boys are trying 2 be girls
it can look totally hot on some people :)

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