Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Any tips how to regain my figure and natural beauty after giving birth?

This will be my second child with 2 yrs age gap. I iwll be giving birth on June. My worst problem with my first child were the embarrassing stretchmarks. I used L'oreal cream, seems didnt work. 2nd is a bulky tummy, third was the figure. Is there anyone can advice me, if theres any supplement tablet like calcium or vit e to take (by the way I am breastfeeding ofr 6 months), or stretchmarks cream are real and what's the best brand i can count on. .. Thanks in advanceAny tips how to regain my figure and natural beauty after giving birth?
None of the stretch mark creams work great but if you use Mederma and use it as the directions say they do become less visible. It's expensive and you have to use it I think 6 times a day. I used it for a little while and it helped some but I think you only real option is a tummy tuck which I am going to get one day.Any tips how to regain my figure and natural beauty after giving birth?
diet, exercise, and use cocoa butter creme and vit E oil to help fade stretch marks
I don't think there's any natural way to get rid of stretch marks but I do know if you don't suntan yourself they won't stick out as much. Exercise and eat healthy in moderation and the weight will come off but you've had 2 children and your body has changed - it take a while to come to terms with this - treat yourself to some new clothes that fit your new body and you you will gain confidence about yourself and will radiate with your natural beauty.
I have had my children in 5 years. I did not have any stretch marks until my last was born! Just eat healhty, unprocessed food, drink plenty of low fat milk, and try to walk at leat 10,000 steps per day. I also breastfed my first 3 girls for 10 months each, but my son for 12 1/2 months (he just stopped last week) and that was a huge help with the weight loss, I was up to 160 pounds with him, now back down to 115 pounds. But even though I am thin, my skin will never be the same, esp having 4 right in a row. Honestly, I don't think much will help with that. Just be sure to drink a lot of water and get some activity in. Your children are worth the stretch marks though! Good foods to eat are cucumbers with a splash of rice vinegar-lots of water in that, oatmeal is great for your skin too, whole grain breads, lean protein like chicken-maybe with fresh tomatoes and avocado (also great for your skin).** All I wrote is that I am only 115 pounds and I too have stretch marks and a baby pouch-why did someone give me a thumbs down? Your tendency for stretch marks is genetically determined, no cream will prevent them. If someone says that they used a cream and it prevented stretch marks, odds are they would not have gotten them anyway!
Drink lots of water and eat only the healthiest food. You will always have your natural beauty - it will just be enhanced by motherhood and pregnancy. As for your figure, you will likely lose most of the pregnancy weight naturally as you get back to your normal pre-pregnancy healthy eating habits (you had those, right??) and the rest may need some exercise and diet moderation.

Many people recommend shea butter for stretch marks or heavier creams like that. but personally, I am highly doubtful that anything works 100%.
No way will the stretch marks go away completely, but they will fade to a light silvery looking color eventually and be alot less visible. Exercise will also help to make them less prominent. Ok as for the tummy tuck, no way would I spend that kind of money on a tummy tuck, not with all the risks of a surgery like that. I would recommend saving all of that money and hiring a personal trainer at a gym. They can and will help to eliminate the bulky tummy, that's their profession, it's what they do.. And the tummy can disappear with the right kind of exercise. I weighed almost 225lbs and lost 40lbs within 10 months and my tummy was changing from the big bulky overweight belly to one that I didn't have to suck in. It's all about getting back into shape. I'm due in November and as soon as I'm able to I am going to start an exercise regimen so that I can get back down to a ';normal'; size for me. So far I haven't gained anything, but I know in time that will change. Good Luck hon and natural beauty is always there, before, during, and after pregnancy!!!!
There is no cure for stretch marks. The scarring process that has occurred in the dermis cannot be reversed, but stretch marks will flatten, fade and lighten over time. Creams which contain steroids such as hydrocortisone, or active agents like tretinoin (retin-A) should not be used during pregnancy, and especially not during the first trimester when the fetus is highly vulnerable. Plastic surgery methods are available to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, such as dermabrasion or laser, but treatments are expensive and results vary.
Bio-Oil greatly reduces the look of and prevents stretch marks. I buy it at walgreens or K mart it cost about $12 a bottle.
Unfortunately, the stretchmarks are not going away, although they will fade with time. The outstretched stomach will not tighten either. Sounds like you may be a great candidate for a tummy tuck - that would cut off the fat and the skin below your belly button that is full of stretchmarks. Might be a worthwhile investment for you.
I don't want to be discouraging, but there really isn't a miracle cream for the old stretch marks...I've got them too and I'm due with my second in November. The figure, well, I'd say good exercise and diet-I know that's not revolutionary but it's the best option especially for us nursing moms. I also know that exercising is the last thing you feel like doing somedays!

One thing I recently started doing is aquafit classes. I used to think it was very old person type stuff...but it is really great...I joined a mom and baby class (so there aren't a bunch of skinny's all around, but average mom's instead) and it is a great workout...I even get sweaty in the water...which I never thought happened!

Anyway, I wish there were quicker fixes, but alas I don't know of them if they exist. Good luck with getting back in shape and with the new babe!

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