Thursday, December 17, 2009

Can you answer this question about emo makeup?

I know everyone asks this but I wanna know am i ugly???鈥?/a>

And what do i need to have to look emo or whatever you name the makeup! emo makeup? i had my makeup better done but yuh! Do i need to make it darker or something? So am i ugly? please don't be mean!Can you answer this question about emo makeup?
ok you might think you are ugly, but others may not.

don't let it get to you. you could try a natural look too not just emo

so for the makeup: everything mainly black or dark shades (purple, blue)

black eyeliner, dark eyeshadow, black lipstick, dark purple nail polish, mascara

natural look: powder foundation for even tone and SPF protection

minimal eyeliner and eyeshadow, mascaraCan you answer this question about emo makeup?
Your not ugly. To be emo does not mean b ugly and dont take care of your skin. You should do your eyebrows thats #1 they look bushy which wont pull off your look at all. Go to any place and buy purples, blks, and grays as eye shadow. buy blk liquid liner and blk mascara. Dont darken your hair or anything because it wont help you look emo it will actually make you look pale. Do that emo hair style or cut instead. Also put sum foundation to at least help balance your skin because it looks pumpy with blemishes.
well...your not the prettiest flower in the garden....

and don't try to et the 'emo' makeup look....that would be so poser-ish of you.

If you want emo makeup, look it up on youtube,m and continue trying to copy off of other people's look.

try to be more original with your make up instead of following the stereotype of the 'emo' or 'skater' or scene' look
No! You are not ugly and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! People are crude and mean... especially online. With your makeup... I don't really know if emo is what you need, unless it's just what you want. The one thing I noticed was that your eyeliner was a little messy. If you clean it up a little, then it won't make your face look as dirty. You may want to try liquid eyeliner. You should also go to Hot Topic and see what they may have for you. I got some neon eyeshadow from there, so they have stuff like you may want. You should also wear something on your lips. If you like lipstick (which I don't, but you may) you should put this over and under it. If you only like lip gloss, you should wear it by itself... either way it will work. It's called NEAUTIES. OK, if you want to wear lipstick, you should do a bright color. Like BRIGHT red, or something like that. If you like bold colors, I'd go with an orange or HOT pink or white or something like that. For lipstick (again) put the Neauties under AND over it. Lipstick tastes so gross and it feels disgusting too! The lip gloss will make it taste better and it will make it last longer and be more comfortable (like gloss). If you are just going to wear the lip gloss, put a lot on because it will make it really shiny. After you wear it the first time it will make your lips soft and really really pretty (by themselves)! This is the site... go to it. My favorite flavor to wear with lipstick is the Cherry and for everyday use I like the Cherry and the Peppermint.

Hope this helps!! Even if it doesn't you should really try the Neauties... It ROCKS!~!~!~!
my dear your not ugly

i don't know if i can help out but i'll try. i don't do the emo, i do scene make up. use foundation from milani, black eyeliner from milani, and lip gloss from elf. i use A TON of neon eye shadowss. and most of the time i like my lips to be pale. just depends on what you like.
im sorry but man your not pretty.

You can get through in life if your not half pretty so you wanna have a whooper of a personality
I think you are a very pretty girl. Don't use darker make-up though. Dark colors will make you look too harsh. They look better on small dark haired kids.

Instead of trying to look emo just be yourself.

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