Thursday, December 17, 2009

How do you do ';emo/scene'; makeup on a tan complexion?

How can you do scene/emo makeup on a tan complexion ? Like how can i make my cheeks look lighter so i can put blush on so that it will show?How do you do ';emo/scene'; makeup on a tan complexion?
This place is addicting! Try it! My favorite website for cosmetics! ALMOST EVERYTHING IS A DOLLAR!!! E.L.F. is a company that all people need! do you do ';emo/scene'; makeup on a tan complexion?
if you wanted to go to extremems get things to make yourself look pale

but if i were you id just get really light pale blush and go for that

or go to Mac and ask what makeup works well with your skin color
hahaha i have the same problem. just get a lighter foundation then what you need(: darker eyechadows work really well. maybe if you die your hair black it will automatically make your skin complexion look lighter

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