Thursday, December 17, 2009

How can I do emo/scene makeup with my glasses?

i used to do my makeup pretty big, but with my glasses it just looks awful. any tips? please?How can I do emo/scene makeup with my glasses?
That's sucks, I would do a smokey eye you know black mix it with sliver and layer (go to youtube for help) then line your eyes with eyeliner and go underneath the eye and angle it with black eyeliner. G' luckHow can I do emo/scene makeup with my glasses?
I sell glasses for a living and I've noticed that a lot of the teenage emo girls are interested in retro frames, sometimes big grandpa glasses, horn-rimmed glasses, wayfarers. Lucky Brand glasses are especially made to be retro. Hope that helps
Well, I'm really scene. Like, SCENE QUEEN status. Either get those really nerdy but scene glasses or like blood red colored contacts.

......Or stop trying trying to be like every other 12-18 year old on the planet.
I'm sorry if this is not what you are looking for, but you can try contacts.

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