Thursday, December 17, 2009

Can I wear emo/scene makeup when my eyes are pretty small?

I'm not a poser, and I don't really care if you call me one. Anyway, any tips would be really appreciated, because I heard that dark makeup only makes your eyes look small and weird =/ so i'm afraid to experiment with the makeup. any tips would be great! thanks! and also brand names for any makeup, because some makeup might look the same in the packaging, but is wayyy different on the skin!Can I wear emo/scene makeup when my eyes are pretty small?
lol LIES LIES LIES eyemakeup does not make your eyes look smaller it makes them look bigger. put eyeliner on the bottom AND top. mascara too. and eyeshadows optional. i have small eyes and it makes my eyes look perfectly normal X]Can I wear emo/scene makeup when my eyes are pretty small?
yeah i think yu can

Sure! If you want to make your eyes look bigger though along with the black eyeshadow you could try using a white eyeliner and gently lining the inside of your eyes. Good luck!
go for it!!!=]

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