Thursday, December 17, 2009

How can I do overly dramatic emo makeup?

My friends and I are doing a short video thing about labels... and we are going to be dressing/acting like our label to an EXTREME! And it's going to be funny, but I'm the ';emo';... so how could I do my makeup, like eyeliner and such? And does anyone know how to make like fake cuts on my wrists?How can I do overly dramatic emo makeup?
bright red eyeshadow. i mean blood red. of course heavy black eyeliner, and black eyeshadow if it's too hard to get red. oh, and draw on a tear on the outside corner of you eye in liquid black or red eyeliner.

skip the damn cuts though. not all cutters are emo and not all emos are cutters, so leave it alone. seriously. i know what im talking about here.

NO BLACK LIPSTICK! that's goth. get your labels straight people :P %26gt;_%26lt;How can I do overly dramatic emo makeup?
Use a lipliner in jagged, harsh slashes on your wrists. (For height, scratch the slashes gently but firmly with something sharp.) Just take an eyeliner and line about a centimeter around your entire eye. Heavy black mascara, and heavy eyeshadow. Maybe do eyeliner running down your face like you were crying? Also, blood red lipstick (unless you have black.) Black nails with blood red drops on them. Wear all black and temo dye your hair black.
Try Red Eyeshadow. With Black Eyeliner. For the Cuts try lip liner.
Take a cue from Pete Wentz.
use a dark eye liner and black lip stick and your dark red blush with black mascara all aver your eyes keep on appliying it 50 or more times and your eyelashes will be soooo dark for fake cute use a red eye linner and draw on your rist
just get a little red sharpie and drawl little lines on ur wrists, and i REALLY overboard with eyeliner. no eye shadow. then. if wanted. RED LIPSTICK!
i'm not sure about the makeup, but once i was a little bored, and starting writing on the insides of my wrists with a lead pencil. it hurts a tiny bit, but it leaves a small ';cut-like'; scar. then, get a very thin red marker, and lightly draw over the mark. then smudge it a little. the ';cut'; doesn't seem ';fresh'; though, it's not like you just got cut. it looks more like a scar.

good luck!
to do some fake cuts on the wrist you draw a line with a lip liner (lip toned) and then put on some red lip stick a deep bright -ish red. then put on some brown and dark gray eyeshadow to age the cut to your liking.

for scars just use the lip liner on whever needed and smudge it a little.

On the eyes to look emo line and rim the eyes with black eyeliner and than use black eyeshadow in the lids to make the line look smokey. also ose a ton of maskera and you can also put some of it on the eyelid.

for lips use either a deep burdandy red or a simple coat of lipbalm.
black eyeliner, and black eyeshadow are very in....

also colors for eyes to
heavy black eyeliner. do you want to look goth or emo? goths do the eyeliner with a little running down the middle of their eyes. emos it's different i think. but apply the eyeliner on both upper and lower eye. but on the lower lid only cover about 1/3 with eyeliner. add mascara. black lipstick. foundation.

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