Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How to do Scene/Emo makeup without parents freaking?

My Parents let me were makeup but im sure theyd freak if they saw me in hardcore emo makeup. so how to I do it without them freaking?How to do Scene/Emo makeup without parents freaking?
some ideas

do thick eyeliner and use only a small amount of eye shadow. if you put just a little eye shadow above AND below your eye it will still look good but wont freak out your parents as much a eye shadow because even if you use a lot of eyeliner, it wont cover as much of your face/stand out as much as eye shadow.

use bright colored eyeliner. if you wear that instead of bright colored eye shadow it wont cover as much of your face and it will still be bright.

use lots of mascara. if your mascara is really thick it will make your makeup look more scene, but it wont freak out your parents cuz traditional makeup also includes thick mascara.

put your makeup on at school. make sure you get rid of it before your parents see you. if youre wearing lots of black makeup you wont be able to wash it off, but if you have a really good white or silver eyeshadow you can put that on over the black before you see your parents. it sounds like it wouldnt cover the black makeup but it actually does.

go slowly. start with more eyeliner. when they get comfortable with that, add bright eye shadow. then start adding more eye shadow or more eyeliner. just do it slowly so its only one change at a time.How to do Scene/Emo makeup without parents freaking?
Well do you parent's really know what emo makeup or Scene hairstyles are like.

If you want to do scene thing just make sure you don't spike it up and do it too much . like this girl's hair is scene but no too much -


and emo makeup is not very diffrent from just regular makeup just wear black eyeliner and make it a little thicker than normal .

鈾︹櫐鈾︹櫐鈾︹櫐鈾︹櫐 %26gt;%26gt;

Ps - Don't forget to watch Inglorious Basterds , Directed by Quentin Tarantino. Starring Brad Pitt. In theater's this Friday! August 21, 2009.

Check out the Trailer -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sQhTVz5I鈥?/a>
Scene makeup is not nesessarily so HARDCORE. LOL. I've seen many pics where scene girls hardly have any makeup on at all. Like look at Ms. Hanna Beth, she's a gorgeous scene queen, and her makeup? Totally toned down. Its the same w/ other the scene queens, they never wear too much makeup. So just do a thin line around ur eye, to intensify the look, you could add some black eyeshadow. And ******, you're done (:

I also know that http://www.sourfusionscene.blogspot.com/ is a great website for EVERYTHING scene, its like your ultimate source for scene stuff. + it has extensive info, detailed tutorials, tips, pic, awesome how-to videos, lists of where to buy things and more! It is so cool; LOL. Look at it.

theres a reason why they freak

because it looks scary

be individual dont follow the crowd

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