Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How do I do emo makeup if I don't have any eyelids?(Top eyelid is hidden?)?

I'm one of those unlucky Asian girls with top eyelids that aren't visible(hidden) and when i put makeup on,it makes me look funny because only the makeup on my bottom lid is visible. Can you tell me how to make the top part visible also? And if you want to be mean,then please don't answer.How do I do emo makeup if I don't have any eyelids?(Top eyelid is hidden?)?
Here are a few YouTube tutorials. Adjust to your style accordingly.







http://youtube.com/watch?v=WIj09hhV6LI%26amp;f鈥?/a>How do I do emo makeup if I don't have any eyelids?(Top eyelid is hidden?)?
I agree with the previous post about adding it to the eyebrow bone line, but you could also flare some eyeliner out to the side of you eye to give it that ';emo'; look you're going for.
get another eyelid

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