Thursday, December 17, 2009

How do i do my makeup like an emo girl?

ugh im emo but i can't do my makeup look so good.Also i need tips on foundation/powder.How do i do my makeup like an emo girl?
first do heavy eyeliner pencil on the bottom lid

then go over with liquid eyeliner,

and put some liquid on the top too.

make it all heavier on the outside edges

then smudge out the eyeliner on the bottom

(i like using an angled brush, but you can use mostly anything- finger, q-tip, smudger)

then apply mascara on the top and bottom lashes

if im not being too clear,

just search youtube for ';emo eyes';

theyll have thousands of vids.How do i do my makeup like an emo girl?
Really pale liquid foundation and then a transluecent power over the top. Then add that bright bright pink blusher and lots of it (mac do it) Pale foundation colour lips with a LIGHT pinky lipgloss over the top. Lots of black eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner and false eyelashes - you know, just copy every other emo and scene girls make-up.
i think it depends on your face and face shape.

the whole ';emo'; look with the amazing amount of eyeliner only works for certain people.

but i would look it up on youtube,

or ask your friends. i mean, your emo, you have to have emo friends, right ?

ok don't use foundation unless u have a zit or somm. ok use black eyeliner black maraca and black eyeshadow also put your eyeliner on the bottom part of the eyelid and over the top of your eyelash then u will look emo!
go on youtube.…
idfk. D:

but could you tell me how i can do mine like a

.:P:.:.:O:.:.:S:.:.:E:.:.:U:.:.:R:. ?
  • blush eyeshadow
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