Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I Need Some Help On Some Emo Hair and Makeup?

im 12 and im emo in the style but not cutting and i need to know if my hair is brown if i can still be emo. And i need some emo make up tips.I Need Some Help On Some Emo Hair and Makeup?
ok no offense, but the Emo trend is dead. TRUST ME! Im 15 and when I was 12 I went through the emo phase. Then when I was thirteen and sortof fourteen I tried to become a scene kid (GAG!). Now I like myself for who i REALLY am, and Im happy being myself rather than wasting my time debating whether or not i looked scene or emo enough. Seriously, Just be yourself. Im not being mean, Im just trying to say, you will be a lot happier figuring out what you like rather than trying to copy a stereotype that you will look back on and think its totally stupid two years later. Im not saying dont wear black, if its your style rock it, but please please please at least try to make it your own and dont ask or look up ';emo'; styles. Other people will think your a poser and you will feel worse. Again, Im not being mean Im just saying I went through these styles and Looking back I was kinda stupid.I Need Some Help On Some Emo Hair and Makeup?
Ok, ';emo'; is a label. You don't just become ';emo'; overnight because I pretty much garentee you will be called a poser. That's exactly what you don't want people to call you. %26amp; FYI. emo means emotioal! Sorry I just think it's annoying for people to classify themselfs as something they aren't, just like little scene kids!
do the shadow type thing.

a lot of blending with a little bit of black some grey and white. maybe a little bit of silver too.

black eyeliner.. thick mascara.
Listen little girl 12 years old is a bit to young for emo hair

Please consider not doing that.

And please hold on to your horses! Make-up on a 12 year old?
hey if u really want to look emo go to sallys neer target i think in salem ok.
One word : DON'T.
WOW!!!! POSER MUCH!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?

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