Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What are some natural beauty tips?

Oil Cleansing Method (OCM), washes strip away natural oils which actually causes skin to produce more oil which clogs pores while at the same time dehydrates your skin, where as OCM used daily keeps skin healthy and spot-free, you mix half extra virgin olive oil to moisturize and half castor oil to cleanse, then massage into face, cover with a hot face cloth for a minute to open pores, then wipe off http://www.moogoo.com.au/category13_1.ht鈥?/a>

Dump shampoo! shampoo as it is nothing more than perfumed detergent to clean dirt out of hair, but it's very harsh and strips natural oils that make your hair shiny, soft and strong, so your hair instead becomes dull, weak and damaged 鈥?thus why you have conditioner to replenish natural oils shampoo strips away. Many shampoos contain harmful ingredients like mineral oil, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate and other ingredients that can cause damage. If you stop using shampoo your hair will be much healthier, stronger, shiny, easier to manage, will grow faster and it won't get greasy as when using shampoo your scalp overcompensates by creating more oils to replace what shampoo stripped away thus causing greasyness. You still wash your hair but instead either use conditioner-only/curly girl method or the no-poo method. I use conditioner-only which is basically using just conditioner to wash your hair with, conditioners contain mild surfactants so clean but without stripping your hair of natural oils as shampoo does, totally amazing results straight away. No-poo is washing with one tablespoon baking soda in a cup of warm water, apply to roots working it in and let sit to clean and stimulate blood flow, then rinse with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to one cup water. Hair will be healthier, stronger, shiny, easier to manage, grows faster and won't get greasy http://babyslime.livejournal.com/174054.鈥?/a> %26amp; http://www.wikihow.com/Follow-the-Curly-鈥?/a>

Don't use anything on your skin that you wouldn't put in your mouth, seriously, many toiletries contain chemicals that aren't good for you, plus it's cheap and fun to make your own. There are loads of books and sites like Make Your Own Cosmetics http://www.makeyourcosmetics.com and Pioneer Thinking http://www.pioneerthinking.com full of simple recipies and useful information, facemasks are especially good.

For puffy eyes keep two teaspoons in a freezer, pop them onto eyes in the morning as the cooling reduces puffyness. Witch hazel gel or hemeroid cream (common model tip) helps too.

Use olive oil as a moisturiser for your body, it's far more effective than body lotion or baby oil, leaves your skin glowing and is known to help prevent aging, plus add a little scented oil and you'll smell lovely all day.

Massage your scalp before washing your hair, this stimulates your scalp keeping hair healthy and improves growth too, use oil such as almond oil with rosemarry which stimulates growth.

Eat a healthy diet (no eating junk or dieting), take mulitvitamins, use sunscreen, get plenty of sleep, drink plenty of water, excersise regularly, de-stress and balance hormones.

Exfoliate, but avoid sharp aprocot kernals which can damage skin, leading to spots. Try cosmetic vinegar or exfoliating sponge, exfoliation also improves effectivness of skin treatments.

Buy vitamin E capsules, take daily to help improve skin and hair, you don't need those overpriced hair %26amp; nail vitamins. You can also break the capsules to add vitamin E to your lotions etc.What are some natural beauty tips?
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, get at least 8 hours of sleep a day, exercise at least 30 minutes a day, eat a balanced diet, keep your natural hair colouring and stay away fom heat styling, have a skin regime that includes exfoliating, cleansing, toning and moisturising, keep nails clean and filed, shave on a regular basis and pluck eyebrows into shape as often as needed.What are some natural beauty tips?
some useful tips for the hair:


some help to choose the best sunscreen:


that might help you get tanned!

and some tips to prevent sunburns:

for smooth shiny hair : add some mayonnaise and some olive oil and rub ur hair with this mixture...

honey and egg white are amazing too ..

for long lashes , use vaseline instead of mascara ..

to remove dark circles under ur eyes , get some cotton balls and dip them into cold milk and apply to each eye for 30 seconds ..

use cold water to get rid of puffy face when u first wake up ..

use rose water to close ur face pores .. after doing a mask consisting of yogurt and honey and lemon ..( dont use lemon if ur skin is sensitive ) add some rose water instead or egg white..

i'll edit for more.. =))
try sheer gloss instead of color, makeup thats barely noticable is more natural, so no bright shades of eyeshadow, lipgloss etc.

would you mind answering mine?

For whom? a bloke in his 40's? get to the gym. A woman in her 50's? get a beatician. You haven't really given anyone anything to work with have you? A picture or a discription would help a little don't you think? Good luck.
take vitamins and eat healthy, go outside with a light sunscreen on and get a light tan, for your hair (i know this sounds weird) but you could use an egg mask for shininess... google it.
Eat plenty of fresh foods containing lots of vitamins and minerals.

Nuts and oily fish are great too.

Drinks loads of water.

Exercise often...

Thats pretty much it really :)
If you want shiny hair use tea tree oil or hot oil treatment.

For smooth skin keep it clean and add a small amout on honey to it.
care to elaborate more?
Use honey as a face mask :-)

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