Thursday, December 17, 2009

What kind of clothes, makeup, and shoes do emo guys wear?

What kind of clothes do emo guys wear, like what kind of tee-shirts, pants, shoes, and jackets? Also, do emo guys wear any kind of makeup?What kind of clothes, makeup, and shoes do emo guys wear?
I asked myself that question a few weeks ago actually.

The important thing to know about the Emo style is that it is ';all about the music.'; Emo actually started in the early 1990's as a form of music and is now not only a music style, but a clothing style.

Below are some links to help you in your quest for emo clothes.

History and such:


Also, HotTopic ( is a pretty cool place for some emo clothes.

Some Emo individuals where make-up, but not everyone. It's personal choice.What kind of clothes, makeup, and shoes do emo guys wear?
LMAO! Abercombie boy wants some guy liner.
If you have to ask, just give it up. Are you really that desperate to fit in with the kids who claim to be trying not to fit in?
Are you thinking of going emo? Don't!! I love Abercrombie guys they are so cute! *resist the emo-ness*!!
yeah but youre totally gonna have to cut your wrists up a bit if youre triyng to dress like an emo freak.
Most emo guys, although, there are no set of rules generally wear skinny jeans in grey or black, a shirt or a scarf with stripes and some eyeliner. Of course Emo is such a broad term. When I was in high school Goth is what is somewhat considered Emo today and we wore all black. If you鈥檙e inquiring 鈥榗ause you want to buy a gift for someone I suggest a gift card to Urban Planet or something so that the Emo kid can be happy for once shopping.



Skinny jeans

Bright Cloothes

Jackets - Fat face, Punky fish, Etc.

Band Tees

Earrings, Likee Urm.. Spikes

And They Wear Eyeliner, And Straightn There Hair.
Aw, a sheep!
they wear mainly dark colour clothes and skinnyfit jeans
ummm...i find emo boys to be a bit on the fem side.
Vans / converse , Some kind of band hoody , Maybe a band tee , and Black skinny jeans.

Some '; emos '; wear eyeliner.
black, converse, and black eyeliner
Black eye-liner, long sleeve shirts, black pants %26amp; black converse shoes. I absolutely think they look like complete idiots, that is why I can describe them in detail. They're starting to pop-up more and more, making harder for me to understand why parents these days are complete morons and spend no time with their quickly wilting children.
black clothes
skinny jeanz,

tight band tees

black hoodies

sometimes they wear eyeliner.
tight pants, band shirts, hardcore wears really tight tux jackets, and most wear vans! some wear make up but just eyeliner! studed belts! converse! wrist bands also!鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

thats a lot of answers

yeah what everyone said basically i guess.

lol. dont do it.鈥?/a>
all black skin tight clothes (t-shirts usually have a broken heart or like some weird emo design) idk what shoes I'm guessing black i don't think they even wear jackets and they wear black eye liner and black nail polish (r u emo or something!?)




black + baggy stuff

Droopy mascara... hmm.. what else....
dr martens

band tees

skinny jeans

studded belts

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