Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Natural beauty tips? help? ?

this summer i'm taking a volunteer trip into the wilderness of the west. I mean, big time rustic camping. no showering for a month, sleeping in tents, working 8-10 hours a day, walking everywhere, spending 9/10ths of the time outdoors, with a small group of kids my age. so obviously that means no hair dryer, straightener, make up, or fancy beauty products. I'm not that high maintence of a girl, but i've never lived like this before. I was curious about tips to look ';naturally beautiful.'; how to keep my skin looking nice [that glow that people talk about?] without any makeup. an easy haircut that will look good on me and not need much styling [I have a round face and relaxed, slightly wavy hair. I also have a bigger forehead]. tips on being healthy in general. pretty much any beauty tips that don't take a lot of expensive products or harsh chemicals [a big no-no since we'll be working in national parks]. I know some of you are going to say what's the big deal about looking pretty when you're volunteering, but this is also about being healthy and just keeping myself well groomed. going without a shwoer for days on end isn't easy on anyone haha. thanks :]Natural beauty tips? help? ?
the hair cut:


longish with layers, try side bangs to help slim your round face and balance your forhead.

the product:


scrunch this conditioning mousse hair, it will condition your strands, tie it up into a tight not at night, when you take it down you'll have beautiful messy waves.

if your hair gets oily:


this will soak up excess oil on your hair.

you definetly need a good sunscreen while you're out there, try some with alittle shimmer in it, it will add glow to your skin. keep in mind you'll be out in the sun so your going a nice tan.

try jergens soft shimmer.

have fun!Natural beauty tips? help? ?
I think you should definitely go to a drug store, and get some face wipes.. they usually come in a pack of about 30, so you should be set.. It didn't really sound like you'll be in a place to brush your teeth (yikes) so bring mouthwash... bring headbands for your hair, because throwing your hair up and using a headband is quick and easy, bring hand sanitizer definitely, and minor toilitries like that!

sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun, and good luck!
';Apni Beauty'; has many posts on homemade beauty tips:





  • asian makeup
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